The Basics


Web Publishing


Dynamic Content



Managing Links, Pages, and Importing

VoodooPad on your iOS Devices

Security and Privacy


Syncing and Transferring

Syncing via Dropbox

VoodooPad 5 now offers syncing via Dropbox (as well as other 3rd party syncing utilities such as Subversion or GIT). To get started, set up a Dropbox account and install the Dropbox software if you haven't already. You can put your documents anywhere in your ~/Dropbox folder, although with iOS syncing it is recommended you place them in a folder named "VoodooPad". You will be able to open your document on any Mac where you have VoodooPad installed and can access your Dropbox account. If your document is open on another machine when it is updated, VoodooPad will auto-load the changes for you.

If you are syncing your document with other users, you may find it helpful to know who last made changes to a page. In the Info palette under the Page tab, 'Modified' displays the exact date and time the page was last modified. An additional way of obtaining this information is to click on the Updates toolbar item (for more information read Toolbar Buttons). You will be presented with a list of pages ordered by when they were last updated. 'Edited By' displays the user and computer that last edited the page.

If VoodooPad detects a sync conflict on a page, it'll show warning stripes in the toolbar. You can resolve the conflict by using the Edit ▸ Resolve Sync Conflict menu item.

Syncing with Dropbox on VoodooPad iOS

If you'd like to sync your documents with Dropbox from iOS, tap on the "Settings & Sync" button (iPad) or the cog button (iPhone / iPod Touch). You'll be taken to an interface where you can tap a "Link with Dropbox" button. Tap on that button and Safari will launch and connect to Dropbox's website, where you can give permission to sync with VoodooPad.

After you tap the "Allow" button, you will be returned to VoodooPad, and it will start syncing for you. Your documents are copied to a folder named "VoodooPad" in your Dropbox folder. If you have Dropbox installed for your Mac, they will show up there as well.

Syncing over Wireless to VoodooPad iOS

You can sync a VoodooPad document from your Mac to VoodooPad iOS by choosing the File ▸ Export Document ▸ Sync with iPhone or iPad. Both devices must be on the same wireless network, and the iPhone or iPad must currently be on with VoodooPad iOS open. Check the appropriate box once the device is found and click 'export'. You will be cued by the wireless device to always allow, allow once, or deny syncing with that particular device.

VoodooPad will talk to its iOS sibling over the local Wifi and figure out which pages need to be copied over, and back. Whichever device was the last to edit a page wins. The iOS sync sheet shows a little icon to let you know if it's a one way sync (in the case of VP Reader), or a two way sync (VP iOS).

The document will also be saved in your VoodooPad Dropbox folder once you have opened it on the iOS device if you have Dropbox linked.

Transferring Documents with VoodooPad iOS

Documents can be transferred between the Mac and VoodooPad iOS via iTunes. Connect your iPad or iPhone to your Mac, open up iTunes, and go to the iTunes Apps section of your device. Under 'File Sharing' you should see VoodooPad iOS listed. Choose 'Add' to have VoodooPad documents transferred from your Mac to VP iOS. Choose 'Save To' to have VP iOS documents transferred to your Mac. Transferring documents is not syncing, but it's a handy way to copy documents back and forth.